Tim Watkins – 14/11/2022
As a result of the recent Covid-19 pandemic and changing work practices, many users need access to SAP systems from remote locations (such as homes, hotels, coffee shops and such). As a result, SAP customers have realised the need to facilitate access to corporate systems from outside the corporate network. However, some customers do not want the administrative burden of VPNs.
Providing access to remote users without a VPN poses a security challenge. How do you allow flexible and easy remote access whilst still ensuring security?
This blog provides a method for this, it also goes further in that it provides a method to ensure that only the required users are able to connect, and that security is enforced by the back-end SAP system.
Table of Contents
The blog assumes a scenario where SAP systems are hosted in AWS in a private subnet. However, the same general principles should still apply for other Cloud service providers.
The scenario also does not consider or allow for Single-Sign-On (SSO) access. As such, users will still require basic authentication (User ID and password) when logging in to the SAP back-end systems.
The blog needs to be concise whilst still providing adequate information for most SAP Basis consultants to follow without going into too much detail. Therefore, there will be an assumption that the reader has reasonable experience in the following topics:
- Installing and configuring SAProuter
- Setting SAP parameters
- Configuring SAP GUI connections
- AWS network load balancer configuration
- AWS EC2 instance provisioning and configuration

Main steps for the configuration:
- A SAProuter is installed on an instance hosted in a private subnet in AWS which redirects traffic to the backend SAP systems
- An AWS network load balancer is configured with the SAProuter as its target. This will provide access to the SAProuter from the Internet, which in turn redirects traffic to the SAP backend systems
- SAP GUI clients are configured to access the SAP backend systems via the AWS load balancer & SAProuter (at this stage the connectivity is not using SNC and is not encrypted)
- SNC is enabled on both the backend and SAP GUI clients. A server SNC certificate is exported and then imported to each client machine, after which secure access to the backend systems is possible.
- Parameters are set on the SAP backend systems to enforce SNC access. No further unencrypted access is allowed.
Let’s get started then! Here follows the steps in more detail to get the combination working.
The first step in our configuration is to set up a SAProuter, which will act as a proxy between the SAP systems and external networks where the end users will be connecting from.
The SAProuter is especially useful in the following scenarios:
(From https://support.sap.com/en/tools/connectivity-tools/saprouter.html):
- Establish an indirect connection if the network configuration does not allow the communicating programs to reach each other directly due to a lack of official IP addresses or firewall system restrictions.
- Improve network security by password-protecting your connection and your data from unauthorized access from beyond your network boundaries and by allowing access only from a specified SAProuter.
- Improve performance and stability by reducing the load on the SAP System within a local area network (LAN) when communicating with a wide area network (WAN).
- Control and log network connections.
The first two points above are especially relevant as they both apply in our scenario:
- We do have the need to allow indirect communication to our SAP backend systems that do not have public-facing IP addresses
- We will further protect our communication by password protecting the connections to prevent unauthorized access from beyond the network boundaries.
Just a reminder of the configuration and which step we are performing, as can be seen in the following image, we are with step 1. At this stage and after completing this step, users from outside the network will still not have access to the backend systems as we have not yet configured the Network load balancers.

Launch the AWS SAProuter instance
For the SAProuter, I launched a t2.micro EC2 instance in a private subnet. In my case the SAProuter is created in the same subnet as the SAP backend systems although this does not have to be the case. A simplified representation of this scenario is depicted as follows:

The instance was configured with the following attributes:
- Operating System: SUSE Linux 15 SP4 (or latest). You may prefer to use Windows instead, however for the purposes of this blog I will explain the steps for a Linux installation
- Instance Type: t2.micro
- Network configuration: Same private subnet as the SAP instances
Download and install SAProuter
Installing SAProuter is relatively straightforward, and I assume most readers will have some experience in this area. Nonetheless, I will provide a basic list of steps required to get SAProuter installed and working for the purposes of this blog.
- Download SAProuter software:
- Login to the SAP Support Portal with your S-User ID
- On the Support Packages & Patches tab click:
A-Z Alphabetical List of Products > S > SAPROUTER > SAPROUTER (latest versions) > select OS from drop-down > select saprouter_XXX-XXXXXXXX.sar
- Download the SAPCAR executable from the SAP Software Download Center.
- On the Support Packages & Patches tab click:
A-Z Alphabetical List of Products > S > SAPCAR > SAPCAR (latest version) >your preferred O.S. version > SAPCAR_xxx-xxxxxxxx.EXE
- Copy the SAProuter software and SAPCAR executable to the Linux instance launched previously. I would recommend creating and copying to the following location:
- Unpack the SAProuter software by executing the command SAPCAR_XXX-XXXXXXXX.EXE -xvf saprouter_XXX-XXXXXXXX.sar which will unpack the following files:
Create a Route Permission Table (saprouttab)
A route permission table is where we protect our backend environment by ensuring that only the required systems are reachable and via specific ports. We will also password protect these permissions providing further protection and ensuring that only those that have been given the password (and who know how to include a password in their route strings) will be able to connect to the backend systems.
The saprouttab file can be created in a text editor and is usually located in the same folder as the saprouter executable. The file should contain entries that conform to the following syntax:
Standard entries in a route permission table have the following syntax:
P/S/D <source-IP> <dest-IP> <dest-port> <password>
P = Permit
S = Secure
D = Deny
For our purposes, we want to allow incoming connections from ay IP address. This is because our end users may be working from any number of locations, and we cannot know their IP addresses in advance.
An example saprouttab entry for a single backend system could look as follows for our purpose:

Starting SAProuter
Once the saprouter executables and the saprouttab file is in place, saprouter can be started with the following command:
/usr/sap/saprouter -r
To set the process to run in background, do the following:
Then issue the command ‘bg’ which will place the saprouter process to run in background.
Running SAProuter manually like this allows for testing to take place, however ideally, you would want saprouter to start automatically when the Linux instance starts. The following section will provide a method for this.
Starting saprouter automatically after a reboot (SLES15):
This method is to create a system service, which will start saprouter in the background and also ensure that it starts after a system reboot.
- Create a systemd service file as follows:
The service file should contain similar to the following:
# /etc/systemd/system/saprouter.service
Description=Start SAProuter
ExecStart=/usr/sap/saprouter/saprouter -R /usr/sap/saprouter/saprouttab -r
- Once that’s saved, you can run, check and enable the service:
systemctl start saprouter.service
systemctl status saprouter.service
{if all ok}
systemctl enable saprouter.service
STEP 2: Provision AWS Network Load Balancer
It’s at this step that we need to configure an Internet-facing network load balancer. This will allow our clients access to the saprouter instance from outside the AWS private subnet. After this step, the clients connect yet as they need to be configured to use the load balancer and SAProuter with a route string. Configuring the clients is covered in Step 3: Configure SAP GUI to use a route string.
Provisioning an AWS Network Load Balancer is depicted in the diagram as follows:

Create Target Group
Before creating the load balancer, we need to create a Target Group which will route requests from the load balancer to the SAProuter host instance. In other words: the SAProuter instance will be the ‘target’ for routing requests to. Once the Target Group has been created, we will then create the Network Load Balancer and configure it to use the Target Group created in this step.
From the AWS console, access the EC2 Dashboard, and select ‘Target Groups’ under ‘Load Balancing’:

From the ‘Target groups’ window, select ‘Create target group’:

Specify the basic configuration of the target group using the below screenshot as a guide, and taking note of the following:
- The target type should be an AWS instance
- Give your target group a meaningful name
- The default port for SAProuter is 3299, specify that port unless you have configured SAProuter to listen on an alternate port
- Ensure that you create the target group in the required VPC
- Leave everything else as default then click ‘Next’

In the screen that follows you are able to select the target instance. Available instances are listed, ensure that you select the SAProuter instance, and then click on the button: ‘Include as pending below’.

Once added as a target instance you will see that it is listed in the bottom pane, and in this pane you can monitor the inclusion of the instance, and determine its ‘health’ as a target instance. The instance will become ‘healthy’ once the target group has checked the port on the instance consecutively for a default of 5 times.

Create Load Balancer
Now that the target group has been created, we can now create the Network Load Balancer that will be configured to use it.
As before, from the AWS console, access the EC2 Dashboard, and select ‘Load Balancers’ under ‘Load Balancing’:

In the Load Balancers screen, click on the ‘Create Load Balancer’ button:

In the screen that follows, select the ‘Create’ button in the ‘Network Load Balancer’ section:

In the ‘Basic configuration’ section, give the load balancer an appropriate name and specify that it should be Internet-facing.

In the ‘Network mapping’ section, select the required VPC and availability zones. In each availability zone, ensure that you select public subnets (these subnets need to have route to an internet gateway).

In the ‘Listeners and routing’ section, specify the port that the load balancer will be listening on. I used port 3299, which is the same port number that the SAProuter listens on. This need not be the case, however you will need to use whatever port number specified in this step in the route string that will be explained in the step where we discuss how to configure the SAP GUI connections to use route strings.
Under ‘Default action’, select the target group that was created previously.

Leave everything else as default. Then click on the ‘Create load balancer’ button at the bottom of the screen:

Once the load balancer has been created, take note of the load balancer’s DNS name, which will be used in the route string of the SAP GUI connection:

STEP 3: Configure SAP Gui to use a route string
Now that the SAProuter has been created in a private subnet, and an Internet-facing Network Load Balancer configured in a public subnet, the back-end SAP systems should now be accessible to end-users once they have the correct route strings configured in their SAP GUI connections.

Creating a connection in SAP Gui for Windows
To connect to your SAP instance via the new load balancer and saprouter you will need the following information:
- IP address of the SAP application server
- Instance number
- Load balancer DNS name (From Step 2: Provision AWS Network Load Balancer)
- Password set up in saprouter (From Step 1: SAPROUTER)
To create the connection you will need to insert a route string that SAP GUI will use to connect to the backend system via the load balancer.
The route string takes the following format:
For example:
- IP: 200.2.174
- Instance Number: 00
- Load Balancer DNS Name: sr-lb-nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.elb.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com
- Password: passdev
The route string would be as follows:
/H/ sr-lb-nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.elb.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com /S/3299/W/passdev
Example screenshot:

Creating a connection in SAP Gui for Java / Mac
You will need the same information to create a connection in SAP Gui for Java.
To create the connection, you will need to incorporate a route string into the Connection Properties that SAPGui will use to connect to the backend system via the load balancer.
The connection takes the following format:
For example:
- IP:
- Instance Number: 00
- Load Balancer DNS Name: sr-lb-nnn.elb.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com
- Password: passdev
The connection properties would be as follows:
Example screenshot:

STEP 4: Enable SNC for secure access to the backend systems
Assuming the previous steps have been performed successfully, access to backend systems should have been granted to selected end-users. However, at this stage the connections to the back-end systems are not yet secure and encrypted. It is in this step where we allow for secure connectivity.
To configure secure access, settings need to be made on the backend systems, SAP Secure Client needs to be installed on the end-user systems, and the Backend server’s SNC certificate imported on end-user devices.
Each step will now be covered in more detail.
Backend system parameters settings
Please note that SAPCRYPTOLIB needs to be installed on the ABAP application server. This guide does not cover this installation and assumes that this has already been done.
This can be checked in transaction STRUST. You will see ‘SNC SAPCryptolib’ and if you expand the item, you can confirm that it has been installed.

The following table contains the required parameters in the ABAP application server. Some of these parameters may already be set, so for those parameters this table can be used for reference purposes. However, later in the guide, we will have to change some parameters to enforce SNC logon so that the application server will reject any attempt to connect without SNC, but for now we just want to get this working, and test with and without SNC SAP GUI connections.
You can check the parameters with transaction code RZ11.
Parameter | Value | Dynamic | Notes |
snc/accept_insecure_cpic | 1 | No | |
snc/accept_insecure_gui | 1 | No | Allows password login – if set to 0 if SSO is needed |
snc/accept_insecure_rfc | 1 | No | |
snc/only_encrypted_gui | 0 | Yes | Forces encrypted communication – set to 1 to enforce SNC connectivity |
snc/data_protection/max | 3 | No | |
snc/data_protection/min | 3 | No | |
snc/data_protection/use | 3 | No | |
snc/enable | 1 | No |
Install SAP Secure Client on end-user device
Download the Secure Login Client from the SAP Marketplace
This can be accessed here:
Software Downloads – Secure Login Client
You can also navigate to the relevant area via the following path:
Support Packages and Patches -> By Category -> SAP Netweaver and Complimentary Products -> SAP Single Sign On -> SAP Single Sign-On 3.0 -> Comprised Software Component Versions -> Secure Login Client 3.0
Download the latest version for your operating system (MAC OS & WIN32 available at the time of writing)
Install the Secure Login Client (Windows)
The downloaded executable will usually be found in your download folder:

Double-click to execute it – you will need Admin permissions to continue (Windows):
Click ‘Next’
Leave the default selection in the next screen and click ‘Next’ again:

Install the Secure Login Client (Mac)
Locate the downloaded zip file containing the Secure Login Client
Double click on the zip file. It will extract the info to a new folder, as indicated in the screenshot below. Locate the client .pkg file, and double-click on it:

Follow the prompts in the screens that appear, stick to defaults until completed.

Install Backend system’s certificate on end-user device
See also KBA 2680913 which also explains this procedure:
In order to make use of SNC connectivity between the SAP GUI client on the front-end PC and the SAP backend system, the PC needs to trust the target SAP system. For this we need to install the SAP system’s SNC certificate on the PC. In our scenario, the certificate is self-signed and can be exported from the SAP system to a file which can then be used to import into the PC’s certificate manager.
This step is depicted in the following diagram:

Export the SAP System’s SNC certificate
Log on to the SAP Backend system and launch transaction STRUST. Then expand ‘SNC SAPCryptolib’ and then double-click on the instance. In the right-hand pane, you will see the ‘Subject’ field change to contain the Server’s SNC name. Double-click on the SNC name to load the certificate into the ‘Certificate’ section below:

Export the certificate to a local file. Click on the ‘Export certificate button in the ‘Certificate’ section. Specify a location and filename, leave everything else default.

Import the certificate to the End-user PC (Windows)
From a file manager, locate the file just downloaded and double-click on it.

A certificate pop-up screen will appear. Click the ‘Install Certificate’ button:

Select either the ‘Current User’ or ‘Local Machine’ options, and then click the ‘Next’ button:

In the next screen, select ‘Place all certificates in the following store’, and then click on the ‘Browse’ button. In the pop-up screen that appears, select the ‘Trusted Root Certification Authorities’ store, and then click the ‘OK’ button:

You should see ‘Trusted Root Certification Authorities’ under Certificate store, click ‘Next’:

Click ‘Finish’ in the next screen:

Confirm the security warning in the next screen, click ‘Yes’:

Repeat the above steps for any additional SAP backend system.
Import the certificate to the End-user device (Mac)
From a file manager, locate the file just downloaded and right-click on it. Select ‘Open With -> Keychain Access.app (default)’:

Right click on the Cert and click on ‘Get Info’:

Expand Trust and the top and change the top setting to ‘Always Trust’:

It will ask for your password or fingerprint to apply the changes.
Configure end-user SAPLogon entries to use SNC
We are now in a position to test SNC access to the backend system by configuring our PC’s SAP GUI connection to use SNC for the SAP backend server. You can determine whether any logon to an SAP system is secured by SNC or not by checking the lock indicator at the top-right hand corner of a GUI screen. As of now we have not configured any connection to use SNC so any attempt to connect will indicate an un-lock icon, hovering the mouse pointer over the lock will result in a message indicating that SNC is not enabled.
See example below for SAP Gui for Windows:

Configuring SAP Logon Entries in SAP Gui for Windows
To configure your SAPGui connection to the appropriate SAP backend system uses SNC you need to do the following:
- Right-click on the connection that needs configuring and select ‘Properties’:

- Select the ‘Network’ tab and then select the ‘Activate Secure Network Communication’ check-box.

You need to also fill in the ‘SNC Name’. For this you use the same name that is used in the STRUST transaction you accessed previously, which will be contained in the ‘Subject’ field.
Here is a reminder (from STRUST), take note of the ‘CN=……..’ name:

For example, if the SNC name from STRUST is ‘CN=SID, OU=AAAA, O=BBB SE=CC’ then the SNC name in the SAPGui connection will be ‘p: CN=SID, OU=AAAA, O=BBB SE=CC’.
As we are not using SSO in this scenario, select the ‘SNC logon with user/password (no Single Sign-On)’ checkbox. Once done click ‘OK’:

Configuring SAP Logon Entries in SAP Gui for Java/Mac
To update any exiting connection to use SNC, you will need to incorporate your backend SAP system’s SNC name into the Connection Properties that SAPGui will use to connect to the backend system using SNC.
Assuming we are using the same connection created previously, we will alter it to contain SNC details.
The connection takes the following format (additional SNC details in bold):
Further explanation of the additional fields are as follows (from Connection Parameters | SAP Help Portal):
sncon | If set to “true”, Secure Network connections (SNC) is used for this connection (provided that a suitable SNC provider is installed). To be valid this parameter requires sncname to be specified. |
sncname | SNC name of the SAP system (for example, “p/secude:CN=example, O=organization, C=DE”). To be valid this parameter requires sncon to be specified. |
manualLogin | Do not use the automatic login feature of SNC. Require manual login. |
For example, if parameters are as follows:
- IP: 200.2.174
- Instance Number: 00
- Load Balancer DNS Name: sr-lb-nnn.elb.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com
- Password: passdev
The connection properties would be as follows:
conn=/H/sr-lb-nnn.elb.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/S/3299/W/passdev/H/”p:CN=DEV, OU=AAAA, O=BBB, C=CC”&sncon=true&manualLogin=true
Example screenshot:

Test access
Testing SAP Gui for Windows
We should now be able to test secure access to our SAP backend system. All that needs to be done now is double-click on our SAPGui connection. If all works, a logon screen should appear, however the lock indicator on the top-right of the GUI screen should indicate that SNC is now being used for the connection. If you hover the mouse pointer over the lock you should see a message appear indicating that SNC is enabled:

Log on as you would normally.
Testing SAP Gui for Java/Mac
We should now be able to test secure access to our SAP backend system. All that needs to be done now is double-click on our SAPGui connection. If all works, a logon screen should appear, however there is no lock indicator in the Java/Mac version. The fact that a login screen appears successfully from a connection that is configured with SNC should be a good enough indication that the configuration works.
STEP 5: Enforcing SNC
One last step is to enforce SNC connectivity. At this stage SNC access is working to our backend SAP system. However, nothing stops other users from using insecure connections to the system. Somehow, we need the SAP backend system to reject any attempt to connect to it without SNC.

Setting parameter to enforce SNC connectivity
This is possible with a dynamic parameter (which means that it can be set, and it takes effect immediately without having to restart the SAP system).
NOTE: Setting it dynamically is perfect for testing scenarios, however, don’t forget to make the change permanent by setting the parameter in the appropriate profile so that you don’t lose this setting after an application server reboot.
If you recall from a previous section where we discussed SAP system parameters, there was one parameter that we deliberately set to 0 for testing purposes (snc/only_encrypted_gui).
Parameter | Value | Dynamic | Notes |
snc/accept_insecure_cpic | 1 | No | |
snc/accept_insecure_gui | 1 | No | Allows password login – if set to 0 if SSO is needed |
snc/accept_insecure_rfc | 1 | No | |
snc/only_encrypted_gui | 1 | Yes | Forces encrypted communication – set to 1 to enforce SNC connectivity |
snc/data_protection/max | 3 | No | |
snc/data_protection/min | 3 | No | |
snc/data_protection/use | 3 | No | |
snc/enable | 1 | No |
Set this parameter in transaction RZ11 on the backend system:

Select ‘Display’ after inserting the parameter name.
In the screen that appears you will see the current value, and a ‘Change Value’ button is available as it is a dynamic parameter:

Click on ‘Change Value’, you will be presented with a warning that it is a system-wide parameter, accept this by clicking on the green check button:

Set the new value to 1, and click ‘Save’

Confirm by clicking on the green check button.
Testing enforced SNC connectivity
To ensure that we cannot access the SAP system without SNC, we have to un-set the SNC configuration in our SAPGui connection. This is simple in that all we need to do is un-check the ‘Activate Secure Network Communication’ checkbox in the ‘Network’ tab for our connection:

Any attempt to connect now with a connection that does not have SNC enabled should result in a message similar to the following:

I hope that this blog post has been useful. I welcome any feedback you may have, even if it is to correct where I may have erred as I am sure there are experts that have more experience in this area.
Notes that may be useful:
2440692 – Central Note for SNC Client Encryption 2.0 – SAP ONE Support Launchpad
2425150 – Release Note SNC Client Encryption 2.0 – SAP ONE Support Launchpad
You may contact me at solutions@etzglobal.com for any feedback.