ETZ Global

Leapfrog the migration challenge.

Leapfrog the migration challenge.

the Right partner for Cloud Migration Strategy

Find the right skills and support to ensure a seamless migration into the cloud.

A recent survey by O’Reilly examined the challenges faced by more than 500 IT executives when it came to cloud, migration, and investment. The survey found that around 45% of CxOs found the migration from legacy architecture was one of the biggest challenges when implementing cloud-based infrastructure. The complexities of shifting infrastructure to the cloud tended to vary across different industries, with finance experiencing more issues with legacy architecture and compliance than other business sectors, but there is a universal awareness that the change has to happen. This is being driven by competitive markets and by disruption and competition from agile startups. The challenge is not just in managing the move from legacy architecture but in having the right skills, corporate culture and systems in place to ensure that migration is seamless and capable.

Cloud migration isn’t that hard, but it is

Cloud migration is a nuanced and complex process that requires strategic planning and an approach that’s as capable of maintaining the status quo as it is of leaping obstacles that arise. And they do arise. In a recent analysis of the cloud migration landscape, IBM pointed out that many organisations are still not getting the full ‘promise of an abstract, distributed, federated data environment’ because migration is still so complex. The truth is that cloud migration will always be an intricate web of legacy, planning, culture, skills and hurdles – it isn’t as simple as plug-and-play and there’s no one size fits all approach either.

Successful cloud migration requires skills

Skills are critical – the same survey found that almost 50% felt that their lack was impacting on their ability to move to the cloud. Skill shortages, in fact, scored higher than hiring issues, legacy architecture challenges, and security and compliance. To overcome the gaps, it’s essential that the business partner with the right service provider throughout the cloud migration process.

Successful cloud migration needs a partner that’s capable of understanding your existing infrastructure and providing a strategic pathway to a successful cloud migration. Working with anyone who lacks the expertise and understanding will likely lead you down the road of failure, frustration and rising costs.

Strategy goes hand-in-hand with skills

The hype around cloud solutions has led many organisations to believe that migration is as simple as swapping one service for another. It isn’t. Of course, there’s the Lift and shift approach that’s been used to simply lift from legacy to cloud like for like with mixed results. It’s not the right approach for most organisations as the move is less strategic approach and more a simple swap. Ultimately, the move to cloud is driven by the need to reshape costs, productivity and capability so moving from like to like will only change the foundation, not the results. To ensure that any cloud migration delivers on specific business needs it has to be strategically managed from the outset. Want a nimble, agile and adaptable infrastructure that’s capable of pivoting with the company? You need a strategic approach to cloud migration that recognises how cloud is more a journey than a full stop at the end of an investment sentence.

Evaluate, partner, conclude

Taking the time to assess your existing IT infrastructure is as critical as ensuring that you have the right partner on board. Before you head down the road of the cloud migration journey, you need to know the issues and intricacies of the systems already in place so that any challenges are resolved during migration, not exacerbated. Insights gleaned from a thorough analysis can ensure that cloud not only bypasses legacy challenges but introduces fresh efficiencies that can transform process and business.

Work with the right partner to ensure that every part of your cloud migration strategy is managed effectively. ETZ Global has a global footprint and solid reputation, providing SAP multi-cloud support and SAP migration expertise alongside AWS and Microsoft Azure. Our skills translate across multiple business requirements and cloud migration strategies – we work with you to create a cloud solution that reflects what your organisation really needs to thrive.

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