ETZ Global


SAP Technical Consulting

Who are the unsung heroes in any SAP environment? Who ensure that processes, components, and whole systems function securely at their best? Without a doubt these are the technical teams behind the scenes who must be nimble enough to be experts and generalists in equal quantities. They tackle constantly changing demands, master new features (or bugs), and balance the competing requirements of performance vs. cost. 

At ETZ Global, we have extensive commitment in this space, with a combined 120-year experience in some of the most challenging environments either on-premise, in the AWS or Azure clouds, or a Hybrid combination of the two.

There is no area where we fear to tread. 

Our team members don’t operate in silos, instead we collaborate as a team in a hive-mindset, bouncing ideas and creativity off each other for common goals that benefit our customers.

Our Basis, ABAP and Authorizations experts have the right mix of business and technical expertise for the design, implementation, and efficient operation of your technical landscape. 


SAP Basis

Need a new landscape built? 
Your existing environment migrated to Next Generation Digital? 
A poorly performing system made faster? 
A tricky problem solved that no-one else has any idea how to fix? 

The Basis Team are the experts that make the impossible, possible. They perform miracles behind the scenes that keep the lights on and engines running. They are the team you need on your side when you are forced to implement new features and updates in a never-ending cycle of fast-moving innovation. They bridge the gap between the business requirement and the technically feasible, communicating effectively at all levels within a diverse and complex environment with competing needs. 

Our DNA is the nuts and bolts, gears and cogs of an SAP environment where our combined experience means that there is no challenge that is unsurmountable to us. We prevail where others falter. 

You need look no further for professionals that have the capability of implementing and maintaining your entire landscape from the ground up, or providing expert knowledge only when you need it. 



Most SAP customers are no stranger to SAP ABAP programming, a 4th generation language provided by SAP that is built into the NetWeaver and S/4HANA technical layer. It is used by developers to solve business problems in a functional SAP environment by customizing and enhancing the application beyond what is provided as standard.

ETZ Global provides you the flexibility of using our experts as a permanent resource, or only to complement your existing team as and when the skills are needed. 


SAP Security and Authorizations

You’ve invested significantly in your SAP environment, and it has likely become a vital component in the efficient functioning of your business and likely already protected from disasters or data corruption

There are, however, potential risks from within your organisation, whether inadvertent or deliberate. 

SAP Security and Authorizations is a module on its own within an SAP system, providing extensive flexibility when it comes to designing a strategy that balances adequate access to your users for a smooth-running organisation, whilst securing against accidental damage or deliberate attacks. 

This requires experts in the field, with security AND business experience in SAP, who design models that can be implemented and thereafter maintained by your own staff. These experts are vital at early stages of new SAP implementations to ensure that the right strategy is implemented from the start. They are also capable of analyzing your existing environment and finding holes that need to be patched to prevent breeches that could cripple your business.

ETZ Global expertise is available for your new implementations to design a strategy from scratch, or to complement your existing security team where you have gaps that need to be filled. Contact us.

Let us know how we can assist you