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Unlocking the Benefits of the Cloud with SAP on AWS Implementation

Unlocking the Benefits of the Cloud with SAP on AWS Implementation

Benefits of the Cloud with SAP on AWS implementation

Are you ready to unlock the benefits of the cloud with SAP on AWS implementation? Of course you are. Who wouldn’t want to enjoy the security, reliability, and scalability of the cloud, plus the ability to integrate with other AWS services? It’s like having your cake and eating it too – no more choosing between security and convenience! However, the sheer complexity and volume of information available on the topic can be utterly overwhelming. Where to start? The aim here is to guide you with an overview of steps involved in completing the implementation of SAP on AWS. But fair warning: it’s only high-level, if you’re not a seasoned pro, or only have partial knowledge, you may want to have our number on speed dial.

The Step By Step Guide to Implementation of SAP on AWS

So, let’s say your goal is to implement SAP on AWS, but also provide rock-solid security, whilst also providing flexible access to your end users without the complexity and admin burden of VPNs, the major steps are as follows:

  1. Create an AWS VPC: Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in AWS and configure it with private and public subnets. This is the easy part! Like building a virtual sandcastle.
  2. Set up instances: Set up instances in the private subnet using SLES as the operating system. These instances will be used to run the SAP systems. This step is kind of like building a virtual house, but without the headache of a contractor that never shows up on time.
  3. Configure security groups: Configure security groups to allow access to the instances from the public subnet. Update the security groups to only allow the necessary ports and protocols. Think of this step like building a virtual fortress – nobody gets in without the secret password (or the right credentials, anyway).
  4. Install SAP S/4 HANA: Install SAP S/4 HANA on the instances in the private subnet. You may also want to migrate your existing SAP system to AWS, totally possible too and we can help here. This step is like installing a new kitchen in your virtual house – it’s definitely where all the magic happens.
  5. Set up saprouter: Set up a saprouter in the private subnet to provide secure access to the SAP systems over the internet. This step is kind of like hiring a virtual security guard to make sure nobody gets into your virtual fortress without permission.
  6. Set up Elastic Load Balancer: Set up an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) in a public subnet in front of the saprouter. Configure the ELB to forward incoming traffic to the saprouter, which then provides secure access to the SAP systems. Update the security groups to allow traffic from the ELB to the saprouter. Additionally, it’s a good practice to use AWS Network Load Balancer or Application Load Balancer for better security and scalability. This step is like building a virtual tollbooth – you only let the right traffic through.
  7. Configure SSL/TLS: Configure SSL/TLS to encrypt the traffic between the ELB and the saprouter. Think of this step like hiring a virtual bouncer – nobody gets into the club without proper credentials, and nobody gets in without being on the VIP list.
  8. Configure Network: Configure the VPC, subnets, and routing to ensure that the instances and the saprouter can communicate with each other, and that the ELB can forward traffic to the saprouter. This step is like building a virtual road network – you want everything to be connected and flow smoothly.
  9. Configure end-user connections: Configure the SAPGUI connection parameters on the end-user’s devices to connect to the SAP systems. The connection parameters should include the route string to use the saprouter via the Elastic Load Balancer’s DNS name, the instance number and the system ID. This is required for testing access to the SAP systems. This step is like handing out virtual keys to your virtual house – only the people you trust get to come in and play.

This guide is like a virtual Choose Your Own Adventure book – you get to decide how the story ends. But if you want to tackle the implementation yourself, it’s important to note that each step is technically challenging, requiring detailed instructions on their own, but the basic steps are outlined. It’s like trying to bake a cake from scratch – it may seem straightforward, but if you don’t have the right ingredients or follow the steps correctly, you may end up frustrated and eventually give up hope.

Diverse expertise needed for Production SAP Cloud Environment Setup

It must be said that setting up a production SAP cloud environment is a complex and multi-disciplinary task. It’s important to have a team with diverse expertise, including knowledge on the SAP application, network security, and AWS infrastructure, and to follow the best practices and guidelines provided by SAP and AWS. It’s also recommended to have a clear understanding of the company’s business requirements and to plan the implementation accordingly.

Intermediate and Advanced Expertise Needed

The level of technical expertise needed to follow these steps is intermediate to advanced. A basic understanding of AWS, VPC, and security concepts is necessary. Familiarity with Linux operating systems, specifically SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) and experience working with SAP systems and SAP S/4 HANA is also required. The following qualifications may also be necessary:

  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate or higher
  • AWS Certified Developer – Associate or higher
  • AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate or higher
  • Experience with Linux administration, specifically SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)
  • Experience with SAP systems and SAP S/4 HANA
  • Experience with networking and security concepts

Finding AWS certified individuals with SAP qualifications and experience to implement and maintain SAP systems on AWS can seem insurmountable. Not only must they have a deep understanding of SAP and its various components, but they must also have expertise in AWS and its services. This combination of skills is rare and highly sought after in the market.

ETZ Global Leaders in SAP and AWS Implementation

However, why go through that painstaking process? ETZ Global has a team of experts with years of experience in SAP and AWS implementation. Our qualified and experienced consultants have the necessary skills and knowledge to assist customers in implementing, optimizing, and maintaining their SAP systems on AWS. We understand the importance of having a smooth and successful implementation, that is why we have a team of experts ready to help you achieve your business goals.

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